What All You Need To Know About 3rd Trimester Of Pregnancy


What All You Need To Know About 3rd Trimester Of Pregnancy

Every stage and trimester of pregnancy is different and the same is the issues and hurdles during the said phase. The 3rd trimester of pregnancy is considered as the last phase of pregnancy and this is the phase in which a mother is soon able to hold her baby in her arms and can actually glorify herself of finally being a mother.

The 3rd trimester of pregnancy has its own ups and downs. The period starts from the 7th month and lasts till the birth of the child. In terms of week the 3rd trimester of pregnancy starts from 29th weeks and may last till 40th week. 

During the 3rd trimester of pregnancy a mother faces heavy body and her weight gain is at peak as soon a mother can able to see the face of her baby but before that all the major weight gain happens and it gets difficult for the expecting mother to carry her own body with that baby bump and extra kilos.

It is not advisable to take utmost stress and exhaustion during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy and neither the body have the considerable strength to carry forward the same and therefore, it is always better and advisable to maintain an adequate rest during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy and also make sure that during the same period one should not opt for any vacations and traveling as same is not recommended by the doctors.

Doctors often advise during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy to work on the preparation of labor and baby coming out and therefore the exercise and other labor related exercise are recommended in order to ensure the normal delivery and to avoid c-section. But make sure the exercise and other things related to the same should be done under the professional advice and as per doctor recommendations.

During 3rd trimester of pregnancy it also said to maintain a proper nutrition plan for pregnancy to avoid any complications during labor or c-section but not rigidly as pregnancy is a beautiful journey and therefore if a mother do crave to eat anything during the said time period she should consume the same but the quantity restrictions and quality check for the same is mandatory as it is always advised to eat hygienic food during pregnancy.

Post 37 weeks in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy a baby can come out anytime so have a happy pregnancy and enjoy the same to the fullest.

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